C'est un ballon de type "floating" : (longue distance) mais direction non précisée.
Photos et toutes les infos sur le site : http://tkrahn.dyndns.org/
Comme vous pouvez le constater, sur ces photos, il s'agit de réalisation radioamateurs et tout à fait à caractère EXPERIMENTAL. (pas commercial, et issue d'un groupe de radioamateurs).
Date : 20 janvier 2013 (je n'ai pas confirmation mais cela a été annoncé sur le site UKHAS).
Composition :
--- PSK31 21.07080 MHz la jour USB
7.03580 MHz la nuit USB
Shift 800 Hz
Commutation par photorésistance type LDR. Voir photo.
--- APRS PecanPico 144.390 MHz 1 watt
Enveloppe : HOWYEE 1600 g
VOL : mode floating
Batteries : 6 x 1.5 V type LUTHIUM AAA 1200 Ah
--- en PSK 31 : cycle de 10 minutes et 3 trames de position
Utilisez en priorité DL-FLDIGI en mode HAB pour retransmettre les positions sur le serveur
--- en APRS : cycle toutes les 2 minutes
Info about the BLT33 / KT5TK balloon launch 2013-01-20 from Richmond TX:
We'll launch a 1600g Hwoyee balloon with just enough lift for a slow ascent.
Goal is to get it to float but little is known about float
parameters at 1600g latex balloons. So we have no idea where we'll end up.
Track KT5TK-11 on a map (APRS.fi)
Info about the payloads (external link)
Please note the following last minute updates:
The 40 m PSK31 frequency has changed and is now at 7.03580 MHz
This means that you set the dial of your SSB receiver (set to USB!) to 7.035 MHz and check the PSK31 waterfall at approximately
800 Hz
The exact frequency may be temperature dependent and could shift by up to 200 Hz
The Cycle of 20 minutes was too long, therefore we're transmitting in 10 minute cycles now.
The 9V block battery was replaced by 6 x Energizer Ultimate Lithium AAA.
The Advanced Lithium 9V block is more sensitive to extremely cold temperatures.
Also we have now 1.2 Ah instead of 800 mAh.
Note that PSK31 will transmit at 21.07080 MHz during daylight and at 7.03580 MHz at night.
A little photo resistor on the package
will see when the sun goes down.
The PSK transmitter will send 3 position packets in a row with ~10 second spaces
in each 10 minute cycle. So if you're a little off
the frequency, you have a chance to tune properly and pick up the second and third transmission.
Please please listen on PSK with DL-FLDIGI!!!! This program automatically submits the coordinates to http://spacenear.us/tracker/
You can install DL-FLDIGI from http://ukhas.org.uk/projects:dl-fldigi
You need to launch the program in HAB mode!
Total free lift: 130 g (=4.9 oz)
Payload weight: ~200 g (=7 oz)
If you find the transmitter or parts of the balloons please contact me at thomas@tkrahn.net or
call me at (+1) 281-627-8139.
Thanks very much for your help to recover scientific data.
Some photos from the payload can be seen here.
It's a 25 mW FM transmitter for APRS with a 200 mW amplifier. Each 2 minute cycle it will transmit one telemetry- and a position
package. The telemetry values can be seen here.
Source : KT5TK-BLT33
From UKHAS :
Please please listen on PSK with DL-FLDIGI!!!! This program
automatically submits the coordinates to http://spacenear.us/tracker/
You can install DL-FLDIGI from http://ukhas.org.uk/projects:dl-fldigi
You need to launch the program in HAB mode!"
For more information :
The key to success for tracking this payload is the number of people who
can listen out so please grab the latest version of dl-fldigi (it has been
updated recently!) and listen out if you can.
Source : UKHAS
Contact : f6agv AT free.fr 50.862N 1.878E JO 00 WU