vendredi 11 juillet 2014

ANNONCE BALLON UK WALSALL PROJECT le samedi 12 juillet 2014

The team were very excited on Friday when we received an invitation to meet the Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Pete Smith on Monday morning in the Mayor's Parlour. There was much rushing around to get everything finalised and to alert the whole team but we got there in the end. The invite was a huge honour for the team and the Mayor was a superb host. He asked the pupils about the mission and their plans for the future, congratulated them on their achievements so far and even gave them a little tour of some of the curios in the Mayor's Parlour. We will be keeping the Mayor informed about the progress of the project.
Mr Coghlan

Traduction rapide f6agv : 

Bonjour à tous,
C'est l'annonce de la deuxième (et dernière)  tentative Haute Altitude reprogrammée par l'équipe. Nous espérons lancer ce samedi, mais on se réserve le
Dimanche 13 juillet. Les détails sont comme suit:

Équipe: Horizon
Mission: Beat Felix
Sonde: Hadfield
Indicatif: HDFLD

Si tout va bien, nous prévoyons de lancer à 10h (heure hab) à partir de:

Lieu: Lycée de la Reine Mary, Walsall, WS1 2PG, Royaume-Uni
Latitude: 52.576943
Longitude: -1,964499
Altitude: 135m

Une petite équipe de chasse partira vers 10h30.

La sonde effectuera un suivi par radio (140g, parachute et ligne)
suspendue sous un ballon Hwoyee de 1600g.

Informations Tracker:

Tracker: HDFLD
Fréquence: 434.350Mhz
Shift Carrier: ~ 690
Vitesse de transmission: 50 bauds
Bits par caractère: 7 (ASCII)
Parité: none
Bits d'arrêt: 2

Le jour du lancement, nous aurons un flux en direct du remplissage du ballon
et lancer 09 heures 30-10h30 disponible sur notre site:
Nous allons TWEETER les événements du jour

Souhaitez-nous bonne chance!


Dear All,
This is the announcement of the second (and last) re-scheduled high
altitude attempt by the team. We hope to launch this Saturday but have
Sunday in reserve. Details are as follows:

Team: Horizon
Mission: Beat Felix
Probe: Hadfield
Callsign: HDFLD

All being well we plan to launch at 10am (Hab time) from:

Location: Queen Mary's Grammar School, Walsall, WS1 2PG, UK
Latitude: 52.576943
Longitude: -1.964499
Altitude: 135m

A small chase team will set out about 10:30am.

The probe will carry a radio tracker (140g inclusive of parachute and line)
suspended under a 1600g Hwoyee balloon.

Tracker information:

Tracker: HDFLD
Frequency: 434.350Mhz
Carrier Shift: ~690
Baud Rate: 50
Bits per character: 7 (ASCII)
Parity: 0
Stop Bits: 2

On the day of the launch we will have a live stream running of the filling
and launch 9:30-10:30am available on our website:
We'll be tweeting events from the day on

Wish us luck!

We'll be launching on Saturday 12th, the NOTAM is in place this time and
Hadfield's tracker is working well.

Source UKHAS
f6agv (AT)

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