ARISS contact planned for schools in Belgium
An International
Space Station radio contact has been planned for astronaut Thomas
Pesquet KG5FYG/FX0ISS with Collège Saint-Guibert, Gembloux, Belgium and
Euro Space Center, Transinne, Belgium.
The event is scheduled Thursday January 12, 2017 at approximately 13:47 UTC , which is 14:47 CEWT.
The telebridge contact will be operated by K6DUE, located in Maryland, USA.
Three schools will participate to this ARISS contact:
- Saint-Guibert College (students at their college in Gembloux)
- Kindergarten and primary school Sainte-Lutgarde (students on Space Camp at Euso Space Center)
- Saint-Laurent school (students on Space Camp at Euro Space Center)
Presentation Saint-Guibert College (Gembloux) Belgium
Saint-Guibert College was founded by the congregation of the Brethren
of the Chtistian Schools, following the principles of its founder Jean
Baptiste de La Salle. This pedagogy is centered on the youngsters,
adapted to their time and devoted to their social insertion, with
special care for the most needy.
Our College, located at Gembloux in central Belgium, comprises 4 separate schools and 3100 students:
- The basic school with kindergarten and primary school 2 - 12, Saint–Guibert square
- The secondary school, general, technical and professional, 12 – 18, Orneau square
- The small school at the Station, for Dutch immersion tuition, 2 ½ - 12, and French kindergarten
- The kindergarten at Ernage.
listening, availability, faith, the place of the pupil are the values
of our pedagogic project, summarized by Albert Jacquard’s saying: “ I am
the relations I weave “
We want a school that favors:
A. The relation to oneself,
B. The relation to knowledge,
C. The relation to others.
Presentation Euro Space Center - Transinne - Belgium
in June 1991, Euro Space Center is a discovery center specializing in
socio-educational recreation. Our field of specialization is space.
Euro Space Center has become a leader in Belgium for the dissemination of knowledge about space sciences and technologies.
Space Center is open to the general public all year round and also
welcomes trainees from many different countries. The goal is to spark a
love for the sciences and innovation.
Euro Space Center and its
high-tech environment are unique in Europe. They enable young people and
adults to learn about astronomy, robotics, space engineering and more.
Euro Space Center also lets people (re)discover an exceptional human
adventure: mankind’s conquest of space.
Students from the following schools participate to the ARISS contact.
Kindergarten and Primary school Sainte-Lutgarde
«One school, two locations in a green and country side environment»
more than 130 ans, the Sainte-Lutgarde schools are active in the
splendid landscape of central Brabant, in the town Lasne. The schools
feature two locations: one in the Lasne town center, with some 245
students of the primary cycle; the other at the Chapel site, with 40
students in Kindergarten and the two lower primary.
Headteacher Sainte-Lutgarde schools Mrs Dominique Hut states:
Sainte-Lutgarde schools in Lasne aim to help the child build up
competence and knowledge, while developing self-confidence, awareness
and autonomy.
Our schools wish to promote the joy of learning in a serene and positive atmosphere, in line with requirements.
To meet these goals, the Child-Parent-Teacher partnership is an indispensable asset.
Saint-Laurent school
several years, the Saint-Laurent school participates to the Space
Classes. Every year, the pupils of 3rd primary work on space topics, so
we can devote many lessons to this thematic. Twice we had the
opportunity to talk to Thomas and we follow his training for his great
adventure on the ISS. This year, two classes participate to the project
and we are very excited to ask questions to Thomas on his work on the
Space Station and his dream as an astronaut.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
Gembloux = College Saint-Guibert
Sombreffe = Ecole Saint-Laurent (Euro Space Center)
Lasnes = Ecole Sainte Lutgarde (Euro Space Center)
1. Gembloux : Louis - La nourriture a-t-elle le même goût que sur Terre?
2. Lasnes : Maëlle - Est-ce facile de toujours rester en apesanteur?
3. Gembloux : Pauline - Dormez-vous bien dans cette position?
4. Sombreffe : Quelle a été votre première sensation lors de votre entrée dans l’ISS?
5. Gembloux : Jérôme - Que faites-vous de votre temps libre?
6. Lasnes : Chiara - À quoi ressemble l’espace vue de l’ISS, voit-on quelque chose?
7. Gembloux : Marie - D’où vient l’oxygène que vous respirez dans la station?
8. Lasnes : Camille - Quel est le plus gros danger à bord de l’ISS?
9. Gembloux : Alexandre - Les animaux de compagnie sont-ils autorisés?
10. Sombreffe : Quelles sont les expériences que vous menez dans la station spatiale?
11. Gembloux : Lucie - Avez-vous besoin d’un casque audio pour communiquer entre vous dans la station?
12. Lasnes : Robin - Avez-vous du WiFi?
13. Gembloux : Nathan - La notion de temps est-elle la même que sur la Terre?
14.Sombreffe: Quelles sont vos différentes tâches dans l’ISS?
15. Gembloux : Adeline - Comment entretenez-vous vos vêtements (lavage, séchage)?
16. Lasnes : Benjamin - Peut-on voir la pollution autour de la terre?
17. Gembloux : Hugo - Qui peut être astronaute?
18. Sombreffe : Comment avez-vous vécu le décollage ?
19. Gembloux : Dahlia - Avez-vous des expériences à réaliser dans le domaine de la santé?
20. Lasnes : Celia - Aimeriez-vous aller sur Mars?
is an international educational outreach program partnering the
volunteer support and leadership from AMSAT and IARU societies around
the world with the ISS space agencies partners: NASA, Russian Space
Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA.
ARISS offers an opportunity for
students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking
directly with crewmembers on board the International Space Station.
Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and
crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science,
technology, and learning.
Gaston Bertels – ON4WF
ARISS past chairman
Source directe : ARISS
73 from Alan F6AGV - BHAF -
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