lundi 7 mars 2016


Another pico launch from Bristol this Monday 7th while the weather is good. The launch will be at 1400 ISH.

As before the payload is transmitting on 434.600 MHz USB, with an output power of about +5dBm. Contestia 16/1000 with RSID, approximately once per minute. Each transmission is preceded by 10 seconds of pips.

The payload is powered from a AA Energiser Lithium Battery (L91). To save power the transmission rate will drop to approximately once every 4 minutes when the payload is above 8km altitude. It is also capable of transmitting APRS packets, but will only do so outside countries where the amateur license is not permitted airborne (like the UK).

It will probably head south quite quickly after launch, so trackers on the south coast are particularly appreciated.

Many Thanks,

Richard Meadows
Bristol SEDS (

Source directe : UKHAS

Hi, all!

We have CAA Approval, but the NOTAM is (for some reason) pending and I will
update if/when it is confirmed tomorrow morning.

*Flight details:*
After 6 months of preparation, 20 students and 2 teachers from Rishworth
School are hoping to launch from our playing fields
at 10am tomorrow.

There will be one payload (434.25MHz USB RTTY 300 baud 880Hz shift ASCII-8
no parity 2 stop bits).

On board is a PITS board, with an external temperature sensor, a Raspberry
Pi Sense Hat and two Raspberry Pi cameras (one on a separate RPi A+).

Live Periscope broadcast of the launch and updates from @RishworthS on the

Weather looks very good and we'll be heading for Grantham / Cambridge
(depending how well we do at getting the helium fill right!).

*We would really appreciate it if you could help track.*

Thanks in advance!

Pete Bell (+21)

Source directe : UKHAS
From :  Alan F6AGV - BHAF 

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