lundi 2 janvier 2017

BULLETINS ESA au 2 janvier 2017 - 1

Earth from Space [ ] 02-01-2017 10:00 AM CET

Join us on Tuesday, 3 January at 14:00 CET for an interview with ESA’s Bianca Hoersch and Francois Spoto from the Sentinel-2B cleanroom

Earth from Space [ ] 02-01-2017 10:00 AM CET

Join us on Tuesday, 3 January at 14:00 CET for an interview with ESA’s Bianca Hoersch and Francois Spoto from the Sentinel-2B cleanroom

De la technologie spatiale à l’intérieur de vos yeux [ ] 25-12-2016 02:00 PM CET

Grâce à des instruments scientifiques embarqués à bord de la station spatiale internationale, il est désormais possible de fabriquer des lentilles de contact, des lunettes ainsi que des implants intraoculaires de façon bien plus précise.

Once upon a time... [ ] 23-12-2016 07:03 PM CET

A feature-length compilation of the amazing adventures of Rosetta and Philae

Tian Shan [ ] 23-12-2016 10:05 AM CET

Earth observation image of the week: a Sentinel-2 false-colour image of China’s Tian Shan mountains, also featured on the Earth from Space video programme  

The Moon [ ] 22-12-2016 04:11 PM CET

Visit ESA's updated interactive guide to learn more about the why and how of lunar exploration

From outer space to inner eye [ ] 22-12-2016 02:00 PM CET

Contact lenses, spectacles and eye implants are now being made more accurately thanks to research instruments flying on the International Space Station.

Earth from Space [ ] 22-12-2016 02:30 PM CET

Join us Friday, 23 December, at 10:00 CET for the ‘Earth from Space’ video programme. This week we explore China’s Tian Shan mountains

 Earth from Space [ ] 22-12-2016 02:30 PM CET

Join us Friday, 23 December, at 10:00 CET for the ‘Earth from Space’ video programme. This week we explore China’s Tian Shan mountains

Year in images [ ] 22-12-2016 10:00 AM CET

Our year through the lens:
a selection of our favourite images for 2016

Ariane 5’s seventh launch this year [ ] 21-12-2016 10:27 PM CET

An Ariane 5 lifted off this evening to deliver two telecom satellites, Star One-D1 and JCSat-15, into their planned orbits.

Stacks of shiny stuff [ ] 21-12-2016 05:00 PM CET

Technology image of the week: these carefully-placed stacks of silicon wafers represent the future of high-energy astronomy

Shiny stuff for space [ ] 21-12-2016 05:00 PM CET

Technology image of the week: these carefully-placed stacks of silicon wafers represent the future of high-energy astronomy

Catching X-rays in stacked silicon [ ] 21-12-2016 11:34 AM CET

"Eric Wille, optics engineer"

ESA doesn’t do routine. Nowhere is this more true than for Science, where the goal of each new mission is to observe the Universe in novel ways. New technologies are required to make such missions possible, many years in advance. ESA’s Directorate of Technical and Quality Management is tasked with anticipating such needs, to make the right technology available at the right time, and solve any technical problems arising during development.

Galileo: a new tool for science [ ] 21-12-2016 02:27 PM CET

Last week’s start of Galileo’s initial services is a boon not just for people worldwide but also the scientific community. A precise yardstick is now freely available to study Earth and everything on it, along with the laws of physics.
Space Station greetings [ ] 21-12-2016 02:55 PM CET

ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet's season's greetings from the International Space Station

Winter Moon [ ] 21-12-2016 10:35 AM CET

Operations image of the week: ESA’s tracking station at Maspalomas seen by the light of a winter Moon

Preparing for air traffic control via satellite [ ] 20-12-2016 10:30 AM CET

ESA recently completed its first flight trials using satellites to help bring Europe closer to its goal of modernising air traffic control.

Changing landscape [ ] 20-12-2016 10:20 AM CET

Sentinel-2 reveals changes over time in the fields of Spain’s Brazo de Este natural park and around the city of Los Palacios y Villafranca

Our year in space [ ] 20-12-2016 10:25 AM CET

A look back at the highlights of 2016 for Europe in Space

There’s a jet stream in our core [ ] 19-12-2016 08:50 PM CET

We would normally associate jet streams with the weather but, thanks to ESA’s magnetic field mission, scientists have discovered a jet stream deep below Earth’s surface – and it’s speeding up.

Beating the battery chill factor [ ] 19-12-2016 09:35 AM CET

"Maria Nestoridi, energy storage engineer"

I’m a battery specialist – which means that a lot of the time I am involved in battery related reviews for various satellite programmes, ensuring that the battery proposed for a specific mission is the one that complies with the specified mission requirements.

Twinkle twinkle [ ] 19-12-2016 10:30 AM CET

Space Science Image of the Week: A familiar galaxy pair takes on an unusual appearance with bright points and delicate rays

Spacewalk for Thomas Pesquet [ ] 16-12-2016 04:58 PM CET

ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet will be the 11th European to perform a spacewalk when he ventures outside the International Space Station next month.

Lasting up to seven hours on 13 January, its goal is to ensure the power supply of the International Space Station from the 2500 sq m of solar panels.

Full go-ahead for building ExoMars 2020 [ ] 16-12-2016 03:00 PM CET

The first ExoMars mission arrived at the Red Planet in October and now the second mission has been confirmed to complete its construction for a 2020 launch. 

Satellite cousins have ice covered [ ] 16-12-2016 03:50 PM CET

Although not designed to deliver information on ice, ESA’s Earth Explorer SMOS satellite can detect thin sea-ice. Since its cousin, CryoSat, is better at measuring thicker ice scientists have found a way of using these missions together to yield an even clearer picture of the changing Arctic.

Season's greetings [ ] 16-12-2016 03:35 PM CET

Send an out-of-this-world e-card to your friends

Week In Images [ ] 16-12-2016 03:05 PM CET

Our week through the lens:
12-16 December 2016

 Skimming an alien atmosphere [ ] 16-12-2016 01:55 PM CET

After the smooth arrival of ESA’s latest Mars orbiter, mission controllers are now preparing it for the ultimate challenge: dipping into the Red Planet’s atmosphere to reach its final orbit.

Seville [ ] 16-12-2016 10:05 AM CET

Earth observation image of the week: the Spanish city of Seville and its surroundings, also featured on the Earth from Space video programme

Intel acquires ESA incubator company [ ] 16-12-2016 09:02 AM CET

There are thousands of drone companies out there, but Intel has chosen to acquire Mavinci, a start-up from one of ESA’s business incubators in Germany that has developed an easy-to-usesystem for land surveillance.

Appel aux médias [ ] 15-12-2016 10:35 PM CET

Le mercredi 18 janvier, Jan Woerner, directeur général de l’ESA, présentera les activités de l'ESA à la presse. La rencontre sera suivie d’une présentation de SmallGEO.

Rosetta’s last words: science descending to a comet [ ] 15-12-2016 03:00 PM CET

ESA’s Rosetta completed its incredible mission on 30 September, collecting unprecedented images and data right until the moment of contact with the comet's surface.

Overflying Everest [ ] 15-12-2016 01:44 PM CET

Technology image of the week: ESA's technology-demonstrating Proba-V images the tallest mountain in the world

Siles subsides [ ] 15-12-2016 11:13 AM CET

Sentinel-1 sees warping ground around Spain’s Siles dam in a new example of how ‘radar vision’ can monitor critical hydrological infrastructures

Galileo goes live [ ] 15-12-2016 12:06 PM CET

ESA Director General Jan Woerner joins representatives of the EC and GSA in Brussels to start Galileo Initial Services on 15 December

Earth from Space [ ] 15-12-2016 12:00 PM CET

Join us Friday, 16 December, at 10:00 CET for the ‘Earth from Space’ video programme. This week we explore the Spanish province of Seville
Galileo begins serving the globe [ ] 15-12-2016 09:29 AM CET

Europe’s own Galileo satellite navigation system has begun operating, with the satellites in space delivering positioning, navigation and timing information to users around the globe.
Earth from Space [ ] 15-12-2016 11:45 AM CET

Join us Friday, 16 December, at 10:00 CET for the ‘Earth from Space’ video programme. This week we explore the Spanish province of Seville

SmallGEO briefing [ ] 14-12-2016 04:18 PM CET

A special briefing on SmallGEO will be held on 18 January, after Director General Jan Woerner’s annual meeting of the press at ESA HQ, Paris

Stork capture [ ] 14-12-2016 04:00 PM CET

Human spaceflight and robotic exploration image of the week: Grabbing Japan’s supply spaceship with Space Station’s robotic arm

Reissued: call for Earth Explorer 9 proposals [ ] 14-12-2016 08:50 AM CET

Scientists involved in Earth observation have another opportunity to submit a proposal for ESA’s next Earth Explorer satellite mission.

Décès de Gabriel Lafferranderie [ ] 13-12-2016 12:36 PM CET

C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de Gabriel Lafferranderie, le 8 décembre 2016 à l’âge de 75 ans.

Now available [ ] 13-12-2016 11:58 AM CET

Data from Sentinel-3A’s radar altimeter are now available to monitor the changing height of Earth’s oceans, rivers, lakes and ice

ESA Euronews [ ] 13-12-2016 04:56 PM CET

L'avenir de l'Europe dans l'espace se décide au Conseil au niveau ministériel de l'ESA, à Lucerne.

Boost to Italy's satellite services industry [ ] 12-12-2016 03:05 PM CET

Over the next three years, the Italian government will contribute €19 million to ESA’s Integrated Applications Promotion telecom programme. An ‘ambassador platform’, launched today, will help to channel these funds to Italian industry.

Solar snowstorm [ ] 12-12-2016 02:20 PM CET

Space Science Image of the Week: This snowstorm-like scene is the result of a powerful solar flare swamping the Sun-watching SOHO satellite

ESA Euronews: L'avenir de l'Europe dans l'espace se décide à Lucerne [ ] 12-12-2016 02:01 PM CET

Nous sommes à Lucerne, au pied des Alpes suisses, à l'occasion du sommet spatial européen. Début décembre, les ministres des Etats membre de l'Agence spatiale européenne se sont réunis, ici, pour déterminer ensemble les stratégies futures de l'agence.

La Belgique et l'ESA veulent continuer le développement du centre ESA de Redu [ ] 12-12-2016 09:32 AM CET

Le centre ESA de Redu, dans la province de Luxembourg, est la seule installation de l’Agence présente sur le sol belge. Rien d’étonnant donc à ce que la Belgique montre une nouvelle fois son soutien au développement des activités de ce centre en allouant à l’ESA des fonds d’investissements supplémentaires.  

Source directe :  ESA  
73 from Alan F6AGV  - BHAF  -
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